Challenge Your Advocacy Skills at the 7th Arun Jaitley International Insolvency Moot

Registration Open: 7th Arun Jaitley International Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition

Hosted by National Law University Delhi (NLU Delhi)

NLU Delhi, a leading institution in legal education in India, is thrilled to announce the 7th edition of the Arun Jaitley International Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition (AJIIBMC). This prestigious event, organized by the Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), is supported by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), INSOL India, and the Insolvency Law Academy.

Event Overview

The AJIIBMC is a premier moot court competition focusing on insolvency and bankruptcy law. It offers law students a unique platform to explore complex insolvency issues, enhance their advocacy skills, and interact with experts in the field. This year’s competition continues our tradition of excellence and invites law students from across India to participate.

Competition Theme

The theme for this edition is “Corporate Insolvency, including Cross-Border Insolvency,” challenging participants to tackle intricate corporate insolvency issues with a special emphasis on cross-border cases.


The competition is open to law students enrolled in either a 5-year integrated law course or a 3-year LLB program.

Registration Process

To register, universities should complete the Google form linked below and email the filled form to The subject line of the email should be “Registration form of [Name of the University].”

Registration Fee

The fee for registration is ₹5000. Payments can be made through the provided link. After completing the payment, please send the payment confirmation to

Key Dates

  • Registration and Fee Payment Deadline: September 5th, 2024
  • Memorial Submission Deadline: September 11th, 2024
  • Competition Dates: September 27th-29th, 2024


  • Winners and Runners-up: Awards and opportunities from our partners.
  • Best Speaker (Advanced Rounds): Special recognition.
  • Best Speaker (Preliminary Rounds): Special recognition.
  • Best Written Submissions: Special recognition.

Contact Information

For further details, please reach out via the following:

We look forward to your participation and wish you the best of luck in the competition!

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When The Cops Knock: Knowing Your Rights During Unannounced Police Visits

Imagine it: a knock on the door, the sharp glint of badges, and police officers asking to enter your home. Your heart races, questions swirl, and fear grips you. This unsettling scenario has played out across India, often leaving citizens unsure of their rights and vulnerable to potential overreach. But fret not, dear reader, for knowledge is power, and you have the right to protect your space and privacy.

The Law’s Shield:

India’s legal framework, a tapestry woven from the Constitution, the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Indian Penal Code (IPC), safeguards your fundamental right to personal liberty and freedom from arbitrary intrusion. Here’s how they stand guard:

– Constitution of India:

  • Article 21: Guarantees your right to life and personal liberty, which encompasses the sanctity of your home.
  • Article 19: Grants you the fundamental right to freedom, including freedom from unwarranted search and seizure.

– Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC):

  • Section 41: Outlines conditions for arrest without a warrant, restricting it to specific scenarios like pursuing a fleeing suspect or dealing with a public emergency.
  • Section 46: Empowers judicial magistrates to issue search warrants, specifying the premises and objects to be searched.
  • Sections 155, 156, & 160: Establish procedures for search and seizure, requiring officers to present their identity and explain the purpose of the search.

– Indian Penal Code (IPC):

  • Chapter XII: Deals with offenses related to property, ensuring due process before any infringement upon your rightful possession.
  • Chapter XIV: Protects public health, safety, and convenience, ensuring police action adheres to legal bounds.

Navigating the Encounter:

When faced with an unannounced police visit, keep these steps in mind:

1. Assess the Situation:

  • Identify Yourself: Be polite and ask the officers to identify themselves and state their purpose for wanting to enter your home.
  • Reason for Visit: If they claim investigation without a warrant, inquire about the nature of the investigation and whether you are named as a suspect.
  • Warrants: Check if they have a valid warrant for your arrest or to search your premises. Remember, a warrant must be specific and signed by a judicial magistrate.

2. Know Your Rights:

  • Refusal of Entry: You have the right to refuse entry to your home unless the officers have a valid warrant or fall under any exceptions like hot pursuit or public emergency.
  • Legal Representation: You have the right to consult a lawyer before answering any questions or cooperating with the investigation.
  • Information Sharing: You are not obligated to answer any questions beyond your name and address unless you choose to.

3. Exceptions to Warrantless Entry:

  • Hot Pursuit: If the officers are chasing a suspect who has entered your home.
  • Public Emergency: If there is a risk of immediate harm to life or property.
  • Consent: If you voluntarily give them permission to enter.
  • Arrest in Cognizable Offenses: In specific serious offenses (listed in Schedule I of CrPC), officers can arrest without a warrant if they have “reasonable suspicion” of your involvement.

4. Recommended Actions:

  • Calmly Communicate: Maintain a calm and respectful demeanor throughout the interaction.
  • Record the Interaction: If possible, discreetly record the interaction on your phone to document the situation.
  • Seek Legal Help: If the officers insist on entry without a valid warrant or you feel your rights are being violated, contact a lawyer immediately.


  • Knowledge is your armor. Knowing your rights empowers you to face such situations confidently.
  • Stay calm and polite. Avoid confrontation, even if you disagree with the officers’ actions.
  • Seek legal counsel. A lawyer can guide you through the legalities and protect your rights.

By understanding your rights and the legal framework protecting your privacy, you can navigate potentially intimidating situations with clarity and confidence. Remember, your home is your sanctuary, and the law stands guard to ensure its sanctity. So, the next time the cops knock, take a deep breath, hold your ground, and know that you have the power to protect your space and your rights.

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